The Year of Reinvention
April 2022
Year of Reinvention: A Course Correction
The Influential U Year of Reinvention is underway. If you are not reinventing yourself, why not? The current is changing faster than ever. Are you sailing in the right direction? If so, how do you stay on course in a rapidly changing current? Join us for a special Influential U webinar when we will address ways you can course correct during the Year of Reinvention. Validate what is working. Modify what is not. How do we validate and modify our assumptions? What if we’re off track? We’ll cover all this and more. A small course correction now will make all the difference later.
Agile gets more agile with Transactional Competence
Most Agile Coaches struggle with Influencing up—getting greater buy-in for authentic Agility. It isn't easy to influence executive buy-in, and more challenging is to get buy-in for the real deal. In the absence of authentic Agility, you get all the pain and none of the gain. Ultimately, it will appear as if there is a missing piece to the manifesto. Join our panel of agility-focused Influential U students as we discuss how Transactional Competence™ allows Agility to out-perform expectations. 
Public downloads now available
Since our first cohort, our diagrams and models have been a closely kept secret for use exclusively by our students. Not anymore! Students are now invited to share our proprietary models with other like-minded professionals. One can’t comprehend the complexities of a complete Transaction Cycle from a single diagram, but we do hope that by making our materials open to all we can help inspire professional curiosity about a better way to "do business.” 
Join us in July for our
2022 Mid-Year Conference
With the 2022 Year of Reinvention already underway, the Influential U Mid-Year Conference is designed as a halfway point. How do we validate and modify our assumptions? What if we’re off track? What and who do we need to know to finish out a year like no other? This three-day live event provides highly specialized training and practices tailored to help you stay on track. 
Can you draw a transaction? (Hint: most people can't)
If asked to draw a transaction, you'll likely sketch two stick figures shaking hands while exchanging money for something. Your abridged interpretation may be the root of all your problems; it's why you struggle with career, money, people, and the reason satisfaction is always just beyond your reach. Here is a diagram (and explanation) of what you might be missing.
Just Add Water
As a serial success in the startup space, Dan Murphy has turned his attention to getting companies to the point of what he calls "just add water," specifically, working to reduce the cost of scaled growth. While many startups struggle with similar breakdowns, Dan shares a set of practices and techniques to introduce new ways of operating that consistently reveal opportunities for course correction toward the ultimate aims. He addresses how Transactional Competence™ helps him produce the type of thinking, practices, and environment, which are be best suited to satisfy the aims of any organization.
Built for Speed
Alex Bould works with large tech corporations to shorten their time to market. Working in the San Francisco Bay area, he leads enterprise-scale Agile transformations to help solve billion-dollar problems. In this interview, he talks about what differentiates market leaders from market followers - and how this is changing. For the longest time, the pursuit of efficiency and productivity has dominated the landscape - higher efficiency and productivity leads to lower costs and lower risks for greater scale. As the marginal return for increased productivity diminishes - the landscape is now shifting - it's shifting to one where the companies that can outlearn their competition will dominate.
From Talented Generalist to Agile Specialist
Simon Chesney's journey is a case study in the benefits of evolving from a talented generalist to a unique specialist. He's learned that specialization and differentiation can help him build a valued identity and that it’s possible to incorporate and combine his past experiences and expertise with his newly acquired specialized knowledge.
Get your higher education in professional influence
Our four-year curriculum begins with the Fundamentals of Transaction, an immersive course of study specifically designed to influence others, work less, and make more. 46.6% more income in 6 months.