New Programs, Hollywood Conference, Professional Influence Quiz, Recent Podcasts & More
The Year of Reinvention
August 2022
eCoaching Library
Thrive is a self-guided program that lets you learn at your own pace and enjoy some of the perks of full-time study with Influential U. Thrive members enjoy a rich, ever-expanding content library featuring exclusive video lessons with our founders and senior faculty. Subscribers can participate each Wednesday at 3pm Pacific or watch any recording in our library.
The Best Story Wins
Of all the places on earth, none has mastered storytelling like Hollywood, California—and our annual conference takes place in the heart of it. The Annual Conference is our Flagship event; a unique resort, lots of social time, and a truly unforgettable experience. 2023 begins the year of Narrative: The Best Story Wins! What is narrative, and why does it matter? Story is the framework for our worldview and the construct for all Conditions of Life. You are the author of your own story. Your talents, products, and services are sold through well-told stories. 
Peer-Group: Mastermind
Mastermind is a peer group program where you can connect with other ambitious professionals and get some of the perks of full time study with Influential U. Mastermind members enjoy two monthly Zoom calls led by Influential U faculty along with access to a rich content library featuring exclusive video lessons with our founders. You'll get monthly live eCoaching sessions plus Ask-a-Coach chat access and discounts to our transformative conferences. Mastermind is a minimum six-month commitment.
One on One: Coaching
Coaching is a premium program offering one-on-one support from senior faculty along with many of the perks of full time study with Influential U. Coaching members enjoy two monthly Zoom calls led by Influential U faculty along with access to a rich content library featuring exclusive video lessons with our founders. You'll get monthly live eCoaching sessions plus Ask-a-Coach chat access and discounts to our transformative conferences. Coaching is a minimum six-month commitment.
Five Stages of Professional Influence
What is your level of Professional Influence? Professional Influence is the ability to create the career you desire. Have work, work for you, and be as rewarded and influential as you choose. There are five stages of professional influence—take the quiz to assess your stage.
Cooperation Instead of Competition
This episode features Meredith Hart, a Fundamentals of Transaction graduate here at Influential U who learned that “Cooperation May be More Valuable than Competition,” or as Kirkland Tibbels always says, “Amateurs Compete. Professionals Cooperate.”
Meredith Hart is the Economic Development Director for the City of Ventura. Her specialized knowledge in the marketplace is to help the city of Ventura with business engagement and vibrancy. She connects with economic partners on behalf of the city and helps businesses facilitate avenues toward success. She lives here in Ventura with her Husband, Ryan, and son, Dylan.
From Struggle and Chaos to Harmony and Satisfaction
In this episode we speak with Dr. Gary Ward, a family physician and Lead Faculty Member at Influential U from Perth, Australia, where he lives with his wife, Claire. A common theme on this podcast is discussing our members’ journey and the before and after they found Influential U. In Dr. Ward’s case, he describes it as going from struggle and chaos to harmony and satisfaction.
As you’ll hear in this episode, he’s accomplished a lot in his life and his profession, but there have been times when it’s been a struggle to find the balance between work, relationships, and family. This is a common struggle that many people experience, and Dr. Gary Ward was able to achieve harmony and satisfaction by implementing what he learned with Influential U.
We Must Care About Each Other's Dreams
This episode features Jean Lloyd who is a Cultural Architect with a unique approach as she does not prescribe a blueprint for success, because her clients are already experts in their fields. Rather Jean brings guidance and critical thinking to her clients to impact their success and they get a new, mind-bending outlook that equips them to re-imagine, then excel, in an exceptional new culture.
Jean is the Owner and President of Jean Lloyd Consulting, the founder of The iCommunicate Summit, and founder of Alma’s Alchemy Inc. She lives in Baltimore Maryland and is a graduate of the Fundamentals of Transaction program, Priority and Practice program, and is currently completing the Mechanics and Practice program with Influential U.
A Higher Education
Our curriculum begins with the Fundamentals of Transaction Program, an immersive course of study specifically designed to influence others, work less, and make more. 46.6% more income in 6 months.