Bouncing Back
By John Patterson
A Blueprint for Resilience
Cast aside visions of cinematic underdogs; our narrative is grounded in the realistic, gritty play-practice-prevail interpretation of the failure-success saga. Indeed, the journey to success is strewn with missteps. That’s not particularly earth-shattering, is it? But before you offer a round of half-hearted applause, realize resilience isn't about recovering from despair. It's about adorning failures like medals of valor, woven into the very fabric of one's well-tailored offer.
The truth is that only action differentiates armchair theorists from real-world tacticians. In the crucible of experience, assumptions are tested: they are either validated or modified, leaving behind 'knowledge' that, until tested, is an untried hypothesis. Measurement becomes the coveted key to the backstage, where strategies are refined and perfected—without which, we're gamblers shrouded in darkness, hoping for a stroke of luck.
Get CEO Time
with John Patterson
Make Community Connections
Our self-paced Thrive program includes Weekly eCoaching that could become the most valuable 40 minutes of your work week. It’s one thing to study Transactional Competence. It’s another thing to practice it. Thrive members are invited to Zoom in early and connect with the IU community before sessions. Thrive eCoaching is your weekly chance to get priceless time with CEO John Patterson backed up a rich library of proferssional resources. Join us next week!