vs. Imitation
By John Patterson
Your Strategy Shouldn't Mirror the Competition
Borrowing tactics from the competition is as tempting as it is misguided. It's like sneaking a look at your neighbor's test paper, only to realize later that the questions on your exams were different. This approach might seem practical at first—after all, if it's yielding results for them, why not us? Yet, this shortcut often leads astray, not toward strategic nirvana but a tangle of missed opportunities and strategic misalignment.
There's a pervasive tendency to play follow-the-leader, mirroring the moves of market leaders rather than weaving a strategy from our own unique blend of resources, talent, and differentiators. This mimicry underscores a missed opportunity for true innovation. Instead of leveraging their unique capabilities to carve out a distinct market position, companies often fall into the trap of emulation, hoping to replicate a competitor's success. This approach not only dilutes their distinct value proposition but also blinds them to the unique paths of differentiation that could set them apart in the competitive landscape, turning potential game-changers into mere echoes of existing giants.
How to Gamify Your Aims
Game + Aim = gAIM
In this engaging session, we will explore the innovative concept of "Game + Aim = gAIM" and how gAIMification can revolutionize your approach to achieving business aims. Join us for a session that promises not just to inform but also to transform how you think about productivity and growth through the power of play.