Leading with Play
By John Patterson
An Inclusive Approach to Unleashing Potential
In the last decade, leadership has undergone a profound transformation. Gone are the days when leadership was confined to a select few at the top—wielding authority in a one-directional flow. Today's leadership landscape is a dynamic, inclusive, and collaborative journey that recognizes and nurtures talents from every corner of an organization, often from places least expected. This shift broadens the leadership pool and enriches it with diverse perspectives and skills essential for navigating the complexities of today's global marketplace.
The Evolution of Leadership: From Solo to Symphony
Traditional leadership models, characterized by hierarchy and command, give way to more fluid and flexible structures. This evolution reflects a more profound understanding that leadership today is based on teamwork and the collective strength of a group. It emerges from those who don't necessarily fit the conventional mold, highlighting the importance of diverse views and untapped talents in developing influential leaders.
Get CEO Time
with John Patterson
Make Community Connections
Our self-paced Thrive program includes Weekly eCoaching that could become the most valuable 40 minutes of your work week. It’s one thing to study Transactional Competence. It’s another thing to practice it. Thrive members are invited to Zoom in early and connect with the IU community before sessions. Thrive eCoaching is your weekly chance to get priceless time with CEO John Patterson backed up a rich library of proferssional resources. Join us next week!