Prospecting for Customers
By John Patterson
The Must-Do Activity Driving Revenue Growth
Prospecting is an essential Activity for keeping the business engine running. If you’re not prospecting, your sales funnel is dying. Yet, many of us struggle with it. The main reason? It's often mistaken for a strategic chore rather than a daily activity. Think of prospecting as forever searching for your business's soulmate—the activity of identifying potential customers who resonate with what you offer and align with your business goals. It sounds straightforward, but it actually requires a blend of strategy, charm, and a deep understanding of your market.
In this straightforward guide, we'll delve into the activity of prospecting. You'll receive practical strategies and tips to populate your sales funnel and increase your revenue effectively. Prepare to embark on an adventure into the exciting activity of finding and securing customers.
Oh, before we go forward, did you count the number of times above I used the word “activity?” This gives a hint about the missing ingredient.
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