Karina Christensen & Ron Sprengeler
This week's guests, Karina Christenson and Ron Sprengeler, had a unique experience with Influential U. They are the first and only couple to complete the whole curriculum together from start to finish.
We all strive for happiness in our lives, and a big part of that comes from having strong and fulfilling relationships. As Karina and Ron will attest, those types of relationships don't come easy, but while studying with Influential U, they were able to gain a better understanding of each other and improve their communication.
The theme is relationships, and from self-awareness to communication skills, we'll delve into the ways that Influential U teachings can lead to better relationships with our partners, friends, and family.
February 8
2PM Pacific
Also streaming live on YouTube, LinkedIn and Facebook.
Podcast Host
Josh Damigo
Program Faculty
Josh Damigo is a Program Faculty Member and Client Manager for Influential U- the leading business education in Transactional Competence and Professional Influence.
Josh has worn multiple hats throughout his career, from owning and helping small businesses to developing into a corporate leader. He is an accomplished speaker, instructor, and a sought-after Master of Ceremonies throughout Ventura County.
Past Podcasts
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