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With a long personal experience about the asset and liability of personality traits that offer both extraordinary value and harsh lessons, Ana Athanasiu, who lives in the San Francisco Bay area of California, is an internet pioneer who had a vibrant career in telecommunications and software development. Best known for the work she did on teams at Sun Microsystems in the mid-eighties — they invented XML — adding speed and usability to internet browsers.

Able to retire in 2002, she's spent the last 14 years raising kids and supporting business executives, local non-profit endeavors, and sole-proprietorships toward market and financial solvency. She also co-manages her family’s real estate and stock speculation engagements. She is now studying Transactionalism with Influence Ecology and is working on advanced degrees in ethics and behavioral economics and data science.

In this episode's talk, we address the asset and liability aspect of Transactional Behavior — where our greatest assets, if not tended to, can also be our greatest liability.
