Facts and Judgements
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The Role of Facts in Leadership, Business, and Personal Growth

We live in a world where facts are often uncomfortable. They challenge our assumptions, disrupt our comfort zones, and force us to confront realities we'd rather ignore. Whether in politics, business, or our personal lives, the ability to face hard truths is a critical skill—and one that separates successful leaders, thriving businesses, and fulfilled individuals from those stuck in denial. But let’s take a closer look at what we mean by "facts."

Within the Influential U framework, 'Facts and Judgements' are the currently accepted conclusions about the 'Results and Consequences' (or measures) of 'Activity.' Facts represent where things stand—what we’ve measured, observed, and judged to be true based on our measures. Once these facts are stated, they become the starting point for inquiry, allowing us to investigate new possibilities and find solutions to move forward.

So, the real question becomes: Are you willing to confront the facts, or will you remain stuck in your assumptions?

Political Leadership: Facing the Consequences of Inaction

Nowhere is the denial of facts more evident than in politics. Political leaders often avoid or distort the truth, hoping to dodge the difficult conversations that facts demand. However, doing so creates a cycle of poor decisions and failed policies, avoiding the accurate 'Results and Consequences' of their 'Activity.'

Take the issue of climate change. The facts are clear. We know the 'Results and Consequences'—rising temperatures, more frequent natural disasters, and long-term environmental degradation. Yet, some leaders continue to deny or downplay these findings, unwilling to confront the reality of what these facts mean for our future. They choose short-term political gain over long-term sustainability. But facts, once established, don’t disappear because they’re inconvenient. They sit there, waiting to be addressed, and in time, their consequences become unavoidable.

The leaders who thrive are those who confront these hard truths and use them as the foundation for inquiry. By acknowledging the facts, they can begin to explore new 'Possibilities'—alternative energy solutions, policy changes, and international cooperation. They leverage these facts not as burdens but as opportunities to drive innovation and leadership.

As citizens, we must hold leaders accountable for facing the facts rather than avoiding them. Avoidance leads to more significant issues down the line. Confronting the facts and asking what’s possible from here is how we foster real change.

Business Strategy: Ignoring Facts Is Business Suicide

In the business world, ignoring the facts is an express route to failure. The facts about your business, as defined by your 'Results and Consequences,' may not always be pretty. Maybe your product is underperforming, customer satisfaction is plummeting, or your market share is shrinking. These facts represent the current reality of your business activity—what you’re doing and what results you’re generating. However, many businesses avoid confronting these facts, hoping things will improve on their own.

Take Blockbuster, for example. The media landscape was shifting toward digital streaming. But rather than confront that fact and inquire into new possibilities, Blockbuster stuck to its old model, believing that its customers would remain loyal to DVDs and brick-and-mortar stores. The result? Obsolescence.

Compare that to Netflix. Early on, Netflix acknowledged that the DVD rental model was unsustainable in the long term. Instead of ignoring these facts, Netflix used them as a foundation for inquiry. They asked, "What new possibilities are available to us?" That inquiry led them to pivot toward streaming, revolutionizing the industry.

When businesses acknowledge the facts about their current performance and outcomes, they open the door to real innovation. They can begin to inquire into new strategies, products, or markets that align with the hard truths. By denying facts, businesses waste time and resources. By confronting facts, they create the space for transformative possibilities.

Personal Growth: Stop Lying to Yourself

Let’s bring it home to personal growth. Most of us avoid confronting the facts about our own lives. We prefer to live in a comfortable bubble where we don’t have to face our own shortcomings. But just as in politics and business, the facts don’t disappear—they continue to shape our outcomes whether we choose to acknowledge them or not.

The 'Results and Consequences' of your actions—whether in your career, relationships, or health—are the facts. If you’re stuck in the same patterns of dissatisfaction, failure, or frustration, those are the facts of your life right now. But what are you doing about them? Are you choosing to confront them, or are you burying your head in the sand, hoping they’ll change on their own?

Here’s the truth: personal growth only happens when we acknowledge the facts of our lives. When we accept that the results we’re seeing are directly tied to the activities we’ve engaged in, we can begin to inquire into new possibilities. What can I do differently? What new choices or behaviors might lead to better outcomes?

If you want to grow, you have to confront the facts of your life, not avoid them. Only by facing the 'Results and Consequences' of your actions can you start to explore new options and chart a different course.

The Path Forward: From Facts to Possibilities

Whether in politics, business, or personal life, facing facts isn’t just about acknowledging reality—it’s about using that reality as a springboard for innovation and growth. Facts are not the end of the story; they’re the beginning. Once we confront the facts of our 'Results and Consequences,' we open the door to inquire into new possibilities.

This process is essential in any Transaction. By recognizing the current reality—no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient—we create space for new strategies, actions, and solutions. Whether it's transforming a failing business model, adapting to changing market conditions, or rethinking personal goals, it all begins with facing the facts.

So, what’s it going to be? Are you ready to confront the facts in your life, your business, or your leadership? Or will you continue to deny them, hoping things will somehow get better? Remember, facts are the foundation for all progress. Once you confront them, you can begin to inquire into what’s possible and create the solutions that will move you forward.

John Patterson
Cofounder and CEO
John Patterson steers the ship at Influential U, boldly challenging the traditional, often myopic views of success in our hyper-individualistic era. He isn’t afraid to poke fun at the archaic obsession with attributing every win or loss to single actors, calling out the industry’s penchant for oversimplified 'transactional' comprehension. Leading a crack team dedicated to innovating businesses and business ecosystems, John is all about integrating the personal with the whole system—because, let’s face it, no one wins alone.
